You ask yourself where you can order a good and high quality Luo-Pan?

You can choose from two different compasses.

Original Zhong He – Luo Pan: large size

This compass is suitable for a professional Feng Shui practitioner.

With 31 rings on the rotary disk, the compass comprises all the important formulas from the schools of San He and San Yuan. The accuracy of measuring is hardly to be beaten due to the large radius. You will receive exact measuring results according to an especially calibrated magnetic needle.

260 mm x 260 mm
weight: 1230 g
item number: 8801
price: € 368.00 plus postage and packaging

Original Zhong He – Luo Pan: medium size


The medium-sized Luo Pan has 26 rings on the rotary disk and these rings comprise numerous formulas from the schools of San He and San Yuan. The measuring accuracy is with its existing radius very good.

The medium-sized compass is ideal for all practical persons, who neither want to miss out the accuracy nor the important formulas of San He and San Yuan. With our Original Luo Pan you achieve precise measuring results according to a specially calibrated magnetic needle.

220 mm x 220 mm
weight: 800 g
item number: 8802
price: € 318.00 plus postage and packaging

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