Feng Shui Institute

Feng Shui Training

Your Certified Feng Shui training incl. support during and after the training.

4 Reasons to Enroll in a Certified Feng Shui Consultant Training!

Help Others

Learn essential methods and techniques to make a positive impact on people's lives.

Live Your Dream

Turn your passion into reality and transform your hobby into a fulfilling career.

Financial Freedom

Take the next step toward financial independence and create a flexible, rewarding career path.

Make New Friends

Meet like-minded individuals, build meaningful connections, and expand your network globally.

Now available as a bookDiscover the Feng Shui Excellence Method

Discover timeless secrets for a harmonious life. In six lessons, Petra takes you on a journey to the roots of authentic Feng Shui—for more energy, balance, and success.

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ArticlesFeng Shui News and Trends

Why does Feng Shui work?

For more than 2000 years the Chinese have been pondering on the functioning of the Earth and its influence on people. These reflections brought into being the metaphysical studies of Feng Shui. The concern of first Feng Shui masters went to the simplest needs. At
