Almost one in two journals about health cover the problem of insomnia. When I read these articles I remember very well my own sleeping situation before I became a Feng Shui expert. It definitely took me some time to get rid of my sleep problems.
My advice and tip: Apply Feng Shui and see what happens.
It was because of my daughter that I devoted myself especially intensive to Feng Shui for the sleeping position. She always refused to sleep in her own little bed and preferred to sleep in our living room or in our parent’s bedroom. I would have never thought that the reason for her sleep problems was the position of her bed or even her bedroom itself. I rather attributed these problems to her personality. I as well had many health problems because of insomnia.
Today I love my bed and do not have any sleep problems any more.
Here I fall asleep very fast and especially sleep all through the night. I am sure you would like to know how I managed to do so?
Today some of the hotel rooms I stay in remind me of that situation 20 years ago. Isn’t it terrible, when you turn and turn in your bed and don’t get any sleep?
Back then I always thought I myself created my own sleep problems.
Today I know better. A room influences a person and has its own vibrancy. This vibrancy of the room will affect you and you can’t help it. In the following I will list the 11 best Feng Shui tips that definitely will help you to sleep through the nights. Your bedroom will have a totally different appearance and you as well will have the impression that the room changed itself into a more beautiful room.
Create clear structures in the bedroom and eliminate insomnia
The most important principle in Feng Shui is to make room and achieve clarity. In many bedrooms you can find working material, irons, vacuum cleaners or even boxes being left here since the last relocation. It would serve the purpose of the place more to arrange it as a relaxation room and wellness oasis. I am sure you agree that your soul and mind can relax much better in an unencumbered bedroom.
Sleep problems can be caused by electro smog
Electro smog is something that is seldom taken into account in bedrooms. Frequently, there is current in objects where you would never suspect it to be. Lamps, for example, can create a large electric field. These electric fields can only be detected by a high frequency meter since the radiation cannot be seen or felt. Even a cordless phone which is positioned in an adjacent room can create an electric field. Especially at night during sleep, the human body is more vulnerable to unfavourable impacts because this is the time when many alert functions are also in sleep mode.
Sometimes you are literally completely electrified while you intend to relax during sleep.
My advice: Think of a network activator that can be installed by an expert. With this electro smog switch you make sure that there is no more current when all lamps and electric devices are being switched off. Remember to switch off the stand-by mode. Otherwise the switch doesn’t work. In addition to this you should as well make sure that the radio alarm, telephone and all electric devices are as far apart from the bed as possible. It is often overlooked that extension cords below the bed also carries electricity. One last note: There are lamps that create electric or electromagnetic fields even if they are switched off. Consequently, it is safer to disconnect the power.
Darkness is much better than light
During the night we produce melatonin. This sleep hormone is needed to adjust the rhythm of waking and sleeping. The prerequisite for its production is a dark room. Thus, your bedroom should be totally dark. When there are no artificial lights and the windows are shaded the hormone will be produced easily.
A firm wall in the back
You need to have a protected position in order to feel safe and to fall asleep deeply. Therefore, the bed should be placed with top towards the wall and lying in bed you should be able to observe the door. Your subconsciousness will judge this situation as being secure and will recompense you with a deep sleep.
Use the bed only for sex and sleep
A bedroom is not a home office. In Feng Shui only Yin features are attributed to this location. Yin means silence, privacy and recovery.
Love is Yin and helps to relax the body hence it is inherent to bedrooms be a location where couples become one with each other.
The room in which the home office is located is more Yang, thus a place of more activity. This means, when you want to enjoy a relaxing sleep better leave out all work.

Don’t sleep between door and window
The bed not only needs a firm wall it should also not be placed between a door and a window. The more protected the place of the bed is the more restful your sleep will be.
However, it can be a problem especially when the room’s shape doesn’t allow it. Then, a canopy bed can help creating a quiet place. In case you are about to realise your dream house, now you know how to design an ideal bedroom.
Remove everything that gives reflexions
Mirrors reflect, disturb the quietness of the room and prevent a healthy sleep. Here we talk not only of the reflexions of yourself in the mirror but also of those of the movements of your partner. You subconsciously perceive that there is something in the room and stay alert. In this stadium you cannot come into a deep sleep phase. The reflexions can occur because of mirrors in front of a wardrobe but also because of decoration objects or glass fronts.
Fragrances work wonders

For a healthy sleep you need fresh air. Make sure, that there is enough oxygen in your bedroom before you go to bed but also you need to open the window in the morning right after waking up.
A pleasurable fragrance like lavender also supports a calm and pleasant room atmosphere. Lavender pacifies and aids a good and relaxing sleep.
Subdues colours have a calming effect
Of course, you may use colours to paint your bedroom but they should be subdued, the range reaches from pastel blue over green to rose colours. Consider that the colour white doesn’t create a favourable atmosphere and doesn’t enlarge optically the room but rather makes it smaller.
Colours that are too dark or heavy should also be avoided in a bedroom. In Feng Shui the colour also depends on the compass direction. In the north you should use bluish colours, in the south reddish colours should be preferred, in the west and northwest the colours grey up to a light beige represent the element metal.
In the northeast and southwest light yellow and beige should be used and finally in the southeast and east greenish colours should be chosen. But remember this was only a very simple description of how to choose the colours. In a professional Feng Shui analysis the colours can be determined more exactly and in detail. Because the choice of the colour also depends on the date of birth of a person and the Qi of the room.

Furniture without edges and corners
Edges, corners and spikes also can be the reason for insomnia. Subconsciously, you feel vulnerable as if you were being attacked. The room influences your sleep because of these negative features.
The same is true when there are heavy beams above your bed. Cover the corner of your bedside table. Much better would be a round bedside table. Observe your feelings when you are sitting in your bed. How do you feel? Is there anything that is disturbing you?
Most cases of insomnia are caused by the mattress
You can ruin your health very easily by sleeping on an innerspring mattress. The metal springs conduct electric, electromagnetic as well as high frequency radiation. So it is very important to have a mattress made of natural materials. There should be absolutely no metal in the bed at all. Natural latex mattresses, futons or even mattresses made of foam material are ideal to sleep on.
After all theses advices I can only wish you a good night sleep. I would appreciate if you comment on my blog.
What were the effects of my tips on your sleep.
Enjoy reading
Yours, Petra Coll Exposito