Feng Shui Excellence Experts

Feng Shui Consultation

A good Feng Shui consultation can lead to success and a better quality of life.

Optimized Spatial Energies

Expanded Success Potential

Better Quality of Life

Feng Shui Excellence Experten

Feng Shui Beratung

Eine gute Feng Shui Beratung kann zum Erfolg und einer besseren Lebensqualität führen.

Consultations for Every Need

Feng Shui Consultation for Every Occasion.

Feng Shui Consultation: Apartment

We support you in planning your apartment—whether you’re moving in for the first time or working with an existing space—by applying the successful Feng Shui Excellence Method.

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Feng Shui Consultation: Garden Project

We support you in planning gardens and water features!

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Feng Shui Consultation: Chinese Astrology

We provide you with personal advice and give you tips to steer your life goals in the right direction.

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Feng Shui Consultation: New Construction

We support you in building a home you love—one that truly supports you!

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Feng Shui Consultation: Large Project

We guide you so that everything goes according to plan and nothing stands in the way of your goals—all while applying the principles of the Feng Shui Excellence Method!

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Feng Shui Consultation: Business

So your customers feel comfortable, are more inclined to buy, and you can live up to your full potential.

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Feng Shui in Private Environments

Is a Feng Shui consultation the right choice for me?

Do you see yourself here?

Then, by applying Feng Shui, you can:

Feng Shui in the Professional Environment

This is What Feng Shui Can Do for Your Business

Attract Customers

Create spaces that attract customers instead of driving them away.

A supportive environment not only draws more people in but also encourages successful transactions.

Make Your Employees Happy

Energies affect your employees and can lead to dissatisfaction and stress. This not only impacts productivity but also the overall workplace atmosphere.

romote Financial Flow

Everywhere, the desire to buy is declining. Remove energetic blockages with Feng Shui.

Make it easier for your customers to make purchases and avoid discouraging them.

Your Space Should Work for You

A space must meet your needs!

“The space influences you because it radiates a resonance. And this subconscious level of energy is felt by you and your cohabitants as well.”

– Petra Coll Exposito

Interior Design Consulting with a Difference

The ancient wisdom of Feng Shui can help you set priorities in your life and find a new focus.

You can influence your own happiness by creating a harmonious picture of your life—both inside and out.

You don’t have to immediately get rid of your favorite pieces or buy new ones. Your interior design style is not the most important factor. What matters more is the correct placement and arrangement of your furniture.


To make your space work effectively for you, all it takes is a bit of effort and determination.


Nothing transforms a space as quickly as an individualized Feng Shui consultation. The room doesn’t just look different—it feels different, too.

Process of Your Feng Shui Consultation

The approach to a Feng Shui consultation is simple and effective. First, your desires and goals are identified. Next, a comprehensive analysis is conducted. 

Based on this analysis, an individualized action plan is created, complete with practical tips and recommendations to improve the energy in your home or business.

1. Initial Consultation

The first step of a Feng Shui consultation is the initial conversation. During this discussion, wishes, needs, and goals, as well as the scope of the consultation, are clarified. Any open questions and the next steps in the process are also addressed.

2. On-Site Visit

Next, an assessment of the premises is conducted. This includes measurements taken with the Luo Pan compass, as well as an evaluation of both external and internal factors.

In the analysis of the surroundings, elements such as the landscape, the building, water and road layouts are assessed.

Additionally, aspects such as room layout, colors, and materials are taken into account. My expertise and knowledge of Feng Shui principles are incorporated into this process. The goal of the analysis is to create a comprehensive picture of the existing conditions.

3. Analysis

Based on the insights gained from the on-site visit, favorable and unfavorable influences are identified. From this, suggestions for both exterior and interior design are developed to optimize the flow of energy. These recommendations are tailored to individual needs and preferences. Additionally, a birth data analysis is conducted.

4. Location Selection

When it comes to finding a suitable building site, I am happy to support you in this process as well. In this case, a Feng Shui consultation can also be highly beneficial to determine the optimal use or favorable characteristics of the location.

5. Construction Planning

If a construction plan is already in place, a consultation can be beneficial to incorporate Feng Shui measures in collaboration with architects or landscape planners.

6. Garden Design

When designing your green oasis, the focus of the Feng Shui consultation is on analyzing suitable locations for water features, ponds, and their potential to influence the energies of the interior space.

Feng Shui in Action

Feng Shui helped here

Feng Shui for alternative practitioners

Thanks to a targeted Feng Shui consultation using the Feng Shui Excellence Method, the practice has been completely transformed. The space now feels welcoming and friendly, with warm colors, harmonious arrangements, and carefully chosen decorative elements that radiate a calming and positive energy.

Feng Shui for Pharmacies


Thanks to targeted measures using the Feng Shui Excellence Method, the office spaces are now organized and harmonious.

Clear structures create a calming and positive work environment. These changes have significantly improved employee well-being and productivity.

Feng Shui in Living Spaces

The previously unstructured spaces now shine with harmonious order thanks to our consultation, featuring warm color tones, thoughtful furniture arrangements, and carefully selected decorations.

Case Study: Organic Store - Lolla Rossa

Feng Shui in the Organic Store Led to Increased Sales!

With the help of Feng Shui, Kathrin’s organic store was able to increase sales and attract new customers.


What My Clients Say!

"I had been struggling with my business for a long time—declining sales and dissatisfied employees. After implementing Feng Shui, so much has changed. I feel like I’m attracting more customers, and my employees are much more productive. I’m so grateful for your help and would recommend your consultation to anyone looking to improve their business."
Heiko H.
"When I started exploring Feng Shui, I came across Petra Coll Exposito: competent, trustworthy, an amazing powerhouse with great energy and endless expertise. It’s a pleasure to work with her, and Petra Coll Exposito, along with her Feng Shui Institute of Excellence, is a true asset."
Miriam Hanna​
Moderator by ARD und ZDF​

"I have never regretted it. Today, I am very grateful that I made the decision with you. I also liked your recommendations much better than the design that was initially planned with the architect. You had a different approach."

"Feng Shui works."

Dr. Barbara Kissling
Bestselling Author
Study proves

Feng Shui improves sleep!

There is a fascinating Feng Shui study that explored how Feng Shui recommendations can impact sleep quality, overall well-being, and health. Over a period of four months, 134 participants were monitored. The results were impressive: the application of Feng Shui proved to be highly effective, leading to significant improvements in sleep quality and overall well-being.


Feng Shui Consultations for Every Need

Don’t plan your new construction as a standard project—make it uniquely yours. Building a home is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it should be a place where you feel safe and comfortable for decades to come.

For over 30 years, many homeowners have benefited from my expertise and positively transformed their lives.


Questions and Answers

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on harmonizing people with their environment by designing living and working spaces. Its goal is to optimize the flow of energy (Qi) in a space to enhance well-being, health, and success.

Feng Shui can help you design your home or office to attract positive energy and minimize negative influences. This can lead to improved well-being, better relationships, increased productivity, and overall life satisfaction.

During a Feng Shui consultation, the consultant analyzes the layout of your space, the placement of furniture and décor, as well as the cardinal directions. You will then receive recommendations to optimize the energy flow, such as rearranging furniture or adding specific elements.

A Feng Shui consultation can take between 1 to 3 hours on-site, depending on the size and complexity of the project. For larger projects or businesses, the consultation may take longer. The Feng Shui consultant will then provide you with a report outlining ideas and possibilities.

Not necessarily. Often, small adjustments, such as rearranging furniture or adding specific colors and symbols, can have a significant impact. The extent of the changes depends on individual needs, possibilities, and goals.

Yes, Feng Shui can be adapted to any lifestyle. The Feng Shui consultant will provide recommendations that align with your personal style and habits.

Feng Shui can improve various areas of life, including health, wealth, career, relationships, creativity, and personal development.

Not necessarily. Often, you can work with the furniture and decorations you already have. In some cases, adding certain elements such as plants, mirrors, or décor can help improve the energy flow.

Yes, Feng Shui can be applied to any room, whether it’s a living space, an office, or a garden. Every space can be designed to promote positive energy and enhance well-being.

It is recommended to review your home regularly, about once a year, especially if significant changes have occurred in your life or environment.

Feng Shui is an ancient practice based on observations of nature and the surrounding environment. While it is not scientifically proven in the Western sense, many people report positive changes in their lives after applying Feng Shui principles. However, some studies suggest that Feng Shui can contribute to improved sleep patterns. Read more: https://ijasre.net/index.php/ijasre/article/view/1383.

Feng Shui can help remove energy blockages that may be affecting your financial success. By optimizing your living or workspace, you can create an environment that promotes prosperity and success.

Pay attention to the consultant’s education and experience. They should use the successful Feng Shui Excellence Method. Membership in Feng Shui associations does not necessarily indicate the quality of a consultant, as European associations often accept all consultants. The International Feng Shui Association in Singapore is the only organization that verifies the quality of schools. Look for positive client reviews that include both first and last names and were not posted by the consultant themselves.

The cost of a Feng Shui consultation varies depending on the scope of the project and the consultant’s experience. On average, you can expect costs between 800 and 3,000 euros for a private consultation. Larger projects or business consultations may be more expensive. Feel free to request a quote.

Yes, there are many books, online courses, and workshops that can teach you the fundamentals of Feng Shui. However, conducting a qualified Feng Shui consultation for yourself based solely on books can be challenging.

My tip: Learn Feng Shui yourself with our online training program. With the course, you will receive a free Feng Shui consultation.

Find out more here: https://feng-shui-web.net/online-training/


Schedule a free appointment for an initial consultation today.
