The Feng Shui online training.

Being part of it brings happiness!

Become a successful Feng Shui consultant!

Learn authentic classical Feng Shui

Our Feng Shui training is suitable for you if you want to learn the basic principles of Feng Shui. The successful Feng Shui Excellence Method, developed by the founder and Feng Shui master Petra Coll Exposito, is taught.

Manage your time on your own

What about those who are still in their professions or have to take care of children, making them inflexible in terms of time?

I want to give everyone the chance to build a completely new, happier life with my authentic Feng Shui training.

The idea of offering the Feng Shui online training for working professionals, parents, and anyone else for whom it simply fits better into their lives was born. Since then, my students can conveniently learn Feng Shui from the comfort of their homes.

Simply learn better from home

With the Feng Shui online training, you have the opportunity to learn everything you need to work as a Feng Shui consultant from the comfort of your home. Whether you have a busy schedule at home, work full-time, or simply find it more effective to learn from home, this is the right type of training for you

The structure of the Feng Shui online training

The theory

Individuals have the flexibility to complete the modules of the Feng Shui online training at their own pace, with autonomy and simplicity. 


There’s no need for overnight stays or long commutes, thanks to the possibilities offered by the digital age.


The theoretical component is easily delivered from the comfort of one’s home. Video lessons can be completed at a self-determined pace, allowing for repetition as needed. 


The workbook for the Feng Shui online training is always accessible and can be downloaded for convenience.

The lessons become an enriching experience with numerous supplementary modules and practical examples in Feng Shui consultancy. 


Learning with enjoyment and enthusiasm at a preferred time and place proves to be highly effective.

The practice

My years of experience as an instructor have revealed that Feng Shui is not only effectively conveyed online. 

The key lies in the combination of the Feng Shui online training and two practical days, which has proven to be particularly effective. 

This combination gave rise to the successful Feng Shui Excellence Method.


The integration of practical training days into online classes enhances efficient learning. The synergy between hands-on exercises and compass-based learning achieves optimal effectiveness through personal interaction, even in the virtual environment.


As a result, in addition to the Feng Shui online training, two practical training days per video live meeting are conducted. These online practical sessions aim to enhance the overall learning experience and provide an opportunity for interactive participation.

Bonus: Das Diskussionsforum

The collaborative discussion forum has proven to be highly effective for learning. Here, all questions are promptly addressed, providing not only comprehensive knowledge from me but also insights from numerous competent Feng Shui consultants.



This dynamic fosters the development of friendships among colleagues. Diverse and individual floor plans contribute to a varied understanding, benefiting aspiring Feng Shui consultants. 

Advantages of Feng Shui Online Training:


Video Modules

Easily understandable Video Modules.



Traditional knowledge delivered by a Feng Shui master personally.



Practical exercises with solutions.


Discussion Forum

A discussion forum to exchange ideas with others.


Support for your questions

Your questions will be personally answered by the teacher in the group.



Continued support even after completing the training.



Certified by the largest Feng Shui association in Singapore (self-test).



Applying Feng Shui for yourself.

After completing the Feng Shui training.

How a Feng Shui consultation unfolds

With the Feng Shui online training, you have laid the groundwork for a successful entry into Feng Shui consultation, and additionally, I provide essential details to guide you on your journey.

The prepared PowerPoint presentation, available for download, only requires the insertion of client-specific information. This enables you, as a new Feng Shui consultant, to work independently right after completing the Feng Shui online training.

The bonus module covers marketing-related questions. An example includes:

  • How much should a Feng Shui consultation cost?
  • How do you find your ideal clients?

The network of Feng Shui consultants

After completing the Feng Shui online training, you can join the next level.

Especially after the training, questions may arise. These are addressed and discussed in the discussion forum, where many experts who have completed all offered advanced training programs participate.

So, once again, there is a wealth of knowledge even after the training! You can also opt for additional advanced courses after completing the initial training. Another advantage is that you will be listed on the domain with your CV and credentials. For more information about post-training opportunities, feel free to email me.

Learn advanced techniques of Feng Shui.

After completing the certified Feng Shui online training, it is possible to delve into advanced techniques of Feng Shui.

Everything from a Feng Shui school can be learned at your own pace until achieving the status of a Feng Shui Master. Depending on preferences, the trained consultant can choose from four modules: ‘Flying Stars’ for professionals, San He Landscape Analysis, Water Activates Wealth, and ‘Xuan Kong Da Gua’ – the Pearl of Feng Shui.

Independently, everyone can choose their specialization after the certified Feng Shui training.

Your instructor

For me, it is crucial to ensure the delivery of high-quality content. My goal is to train my students to become successful Feng Shui consultants, contributing to making the world a better place. That would be my greatest wish! After all, happiness begins when each of us is well, and everyone respects nature. Would you like to learn more about me?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions and Answers

On average, if worked through consistently, students can complete the Feng Shui online training in three to four months. However, it’s not mandatory, and some students may continue their training for up to a year. Lifetime access to the modules is provided, contingent upon the functionality of technology and the existence of the internet.”

At the outset, the first part is unlocked, and a week later, Part 2 is made available. This allows you to complete the first ten lessons in two weeks. Subsequently, there is a rhythm of 14 days. Initially, it may seem easy to work through the lessons. However, in the later sections of the training, the knowledge becomes increasingly complex and intensive.

Keep in mind that there is a Facebook Group. Here, you can ask your questions and receive immediate answers.

The Flying Stars are a significant part of the Feng Shui online training. Link:

The compass is not necessary at the beginning, but it would be ideal to own a Feng Shui compass as the training progresses. In this regard, there is also a discount of €50 for you as a student.

The unlocking of the modules takes place every 14 days, and it is up to you in which timeframe you complete these modules. The unlocking cannot be revoked, as it would affect all students. This is not in my interest.

After you’ve completed all the theoretical training videos, you can register for the practical online days. During the two practical days, we will discuss your own floor plan and your living situation.

You should bring a lot of fun and good spirits! And don’t forget to bring the already prepared floor plan of your own living situation. These days are about your living situation and how you can apply Feng Shui for yourself. After all, you can offer your service better when you have gained personal experiences and felt the changes.

This way, you will get to know many floor plans and potential situations from your classmates, as they will also present their living situations. Through practice and practical exchange, a consultation scenario is simultaneously simulated. You will receive instructions on what to bring during the Feng Shui online training

You will receive the certificate on the last practical day. From then on, you are a certified consultant and ready for your clients.

here is no exam in the traditional sense, as you will be tested by your clients!

What my trained students say:

I have been interested in Feng Shui for many years, and the goal/desire to undertake an online Feng Shui training has been with me for a very long time. It was important for me to find a good Feng Shui master like Petra Coll Exposito. At the moment, I am in the midst of Petra's Feng Shui online training. What's positive for me is that I can study peacefully (without traveling) from outside of Germany. I manage my time on my own and work through the modules at my own pace. It's worth mentioning that Petra explains the topics very simply and straightforwardly. Learning is twice as enjoyable! I love my Feng Shui online training and can only recommend it to anyone interested in Feng Shui.
Claudia Flynn
Feng Shui consultant
I completed the training to become a Feng Shui consultant with Petra, and I would make that decision again anytime. The online training is excellently structured, and all topics are explained in a clear and memorable manner. Petra is always approachable for questions, and even after the training, she helps her students with issues that arise in practice. My absolute highlight was the practical days at the end of the Feng Shui training, where we worked on the floor plans of the participants. It was so much fun and incredibly inspiring. Thank you, dear Petra, for the wonderful time and your love and dedication in being there for your students.
Layla Haase
Feng Shui consultant
Through the methods of Feng Shui taught by Petra Coll Exposito, my perception of the environment, my attention to others, and my interpretation of the energy of a space have changed entirely for the positive. With great gratitude for the valuable, practical teachings and the opportunity for regular exchange on professional topics, I consider myself fortunate to be a student of this institute. Niki Nauschnegg, Feng Shui Master at the Feng Shui Institute of Excellence, working as a Feng Shui consultant in Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria.
Feng Shui Beraterin Niki Nauschnegg
Veronika Nauschnegg
Feng Shui consultant
I completed the Feng Shui consultant training this year and am more than happy about it! Petra Coll Exposito is truly a master in her field because she can not only convey the complex content of Feng Shui in an extremely understandable way but also makes the training friendly and lively. I learned a lot, enjoyed every moment, and met wonderful people. To you, dear Petra, I want to say once again: Thank you! It was incredibly fun. It's a real enrichment! I highly recommend this Feng Shui training! And to the instructors, I want to greet you this way: You are doing a fantastic job!
Mary Pernreiter
Dear Petra, I am thrilled! I sit at the computer in the evenings and go through the Feng Shui lessons. You've done a fantastic job. It's a great joy to move from lesson to lesson and absorb the knowledge. I'm looking forward to the unlocking of the next lessons! Thank you so much for this enrichment! All the best, and see you soon, Anja 🙂
Anja Müller
Executive Employees
When I started delving into Feng Shui, I came across Petra Coll Exposito: Competent, reliable, a fantastic powerhouse with great energy and endless expertise. It's a joy, and Petra Coll Exposito, with her Feng Shui Institute of Excellence, is a true enrichment.
Miriam Hanna
Lottofee von ARD und ZDF
With the training to become a certified Feng Shui consultant, not only my life but also that of our family has changed. We have experienced so much positive energy and witnessed many positive events through the changes in our home. Feng Shui captivates and doesn't let go. Thank you so much, dear Petra, for imparting so much new knowledge to us.
Sabine Schrägle
Feng Shui consultant

Yu want to learn more about the online training?

Feel free to send me an email to:

Feng Shui Online

The Feng Shui online course. Learn everything you need to know about Feng Shui comfortably at home to enrich your life and the lives of your loved ones.
  • 50 video lessons that build upon each other.
  • Step-by-step learning content
  • Two practical days with me via Zoom
  • Coaching in the Facebook group
  • Learn the execution of a successful Feng Shui consultation
  • Including final exam and certificate presentation
  • Certification: "International Feng Shui Association Singapore"
  • Well-founded practice-orientated teaching
  • After training, further professional support
  • Specialized marketing strategy developed for Feng Shui consultants
  • After training, registration with the international association is possible
  • Receive expert knowledge from recognized Feng Shui masters

Feng Shui Online Training + Practical days

The Feng Shui Practical Course. Learn the theory online and experience the practice up close! After this course, you will receive a globally recognized certification!
  • 50 video lessons that build upon each other.
  • Step-by-step learning content
  • Two practical days with me via Zoom
  • Coaching in the Facebook group
  • Learn the execution of a successful Feng Shui consultation
  • Self-test and certificate presentation
  • Certification: "International Feng Shui Association Singapore"
  • Well-founded practice-orientated teaching
  • After training, further professional support
  • Specialized marketing strategy developed for Feng Shui consultants
  • After training, registration with the international association is possible
  • Receive expert knowledge from recognized Feng Shui masters