This seminars will give you a firm entrance into the subject of Feng Shui and Chinese metayphsics.

Deepening knowledge – gaining cognitions

 Our world is in perpetual transformation. Nothing is static and constant. Everything shifts. Learn about the time depending factors; find out how they influence the environment and human beings.

Chinese Astrology

 Traditionally, the “Four Pillars of Destiny” has been used in China to advise people about their lives. Their strengths and weaknesses, suitable areas of work, potential work and life partners and health issues can all be identified through this system.

Feng Shui Online Course

I-Ging is the oldest oracle system of divination. It has been used since ancient times. It is used in many different fields, could be in our daily life, in a business context, managing a country or even in warfare as it was used in ancient time.

Different courses will make you an expert.

We are one of the leading educational and consultation Institute of Feng Shui in Europe and the only European Institute to win an award of the greatest Feng Shui organization in Singapore (International Feng Shui Association), which furthermore certifies our educational systems as those of the highest standard internationally.

Auspicious Day Selection

This Course is very intensive due to the vast amount of information to be taken in 3 days. It is suitable for post graduate Feng Shui students or those with equivalent knowledge.

Feng Shui & Astrology

Regulating Feng Shui and to improve one’s life path luck with Bazi Favorable elements.

Feng Shui articles for consultants

Every Feng Shui consultant needs an accurate compass to perform targeted consultations for their clients. Also a disc to divide the room in 24 directions will help you to evaluate the layout of your clients. Our items are of very high quality.

Your high quality Luo Pan compass

As a Feng Shui professional, you need a tool that will help you achieve accurate results. Our high-quality compass can be ordered in two different sizes. Convince yourself and request information today without obligation.

I-Ging Course

I-Ging is the oldest oracle system of divination. It has been used since ancient times. It is used in many different fields, could be in our daily life, in a business context, managing a country or even in warfare as it was used in ancient time.
